566 Alufoil

Nastro in foglia di alluminio ricotto spessore 30my con un adesivo acrilico a solvente ad elevato tack, protetto da un liner in carta siliconata, facilmente removibile.
Questo nastro é stato studiato per sigillare ed unire sia condotte per il condizionamento dell'aria in lana di vetro, sia materiali isolanti in lana di roccia avvolti attorno a tubazioni metalliche, in particolar modo nell'industria del riscaldamento e del condizionamento d'aria.
Questo prodotto é disponibile in rotoli standard da 1000 mm, ma possono essere tagliati, su richiesta del cliente, in ogni misura o combinazioni di misure comprese tra 6 mm. e 1000.
La lunghezza dei rotoli può essere scelta fra le seguenti:
50 mt., 100 mt. e 300 mt. per rotoli tagliati in larghezze > 50 mm.
Rotoli di lunghezze diverse da quelle suindicate sono disponibili solo entro certi limiti tecnici che devono essere discussi con i nostri tecnici commerciali.
Special purpose adhesive tapes
Rolltape, the story of a small but big success. Rolltape owes its reputation and success to dedication and passion for the challenges of Aldo Darsiè, its founder. Since the early 1950s, he invented a new market in Italy, never existed before, importing before and (...)
read more...Adhesive tape means technology
As it is known, adhesive and double-coated adhesive tapes are used in almost every branch of industrial activity: from the electronics and electromechanical industries, from insulation, thermal insulation to the classic packaging industry.
Adhesive tapes are made (...)
The value of a functional perfect splicing system for release papers The importance of a functional efficient splice is as remarkable as the damage that a non-performing splice can cause in case of a breakdown.The costs (...) read more...

casting paper joint
casting paper for synthetic leather
Release papers for synthetic leather industry
Casting papers, used in the production of synthetic leathers such as shoes and bags, is a high-quality release paper which imparts patterns and gloss to the surface of synthetic leathers.OUR SPLICING TAPE LINE FOR THIS PURPOSE
Our line of adhesive tapes specifically designed (...) Read more
synthetic leather
Synthetic Leather Market Analysis
Credits: Grand View Research
Industry Insights
The global synthetic (artificial) leather market size was estimated at 15,780 million meters in 2015. Globally increasing demand from footwear sector is expected to be a key factor propelling the overall market growth. Moreover, artificial leather being a suitable alternative has further augmented the (...) Read more
splicing tapes
Splicing tapes for casting papers
Our line of adhesive tapes specifically designed for joining release papers in the transfer coating industry, during PU and PVC coating cycles.
Here below you can see how these particular tapes are applied:
1624 Black Splicing Tape: tape for “top” side of release papers. Siliconised polyester film, coated with an aggressive (...)

Case History
This conductive adhesive tape is widely used in the construction industry. In particular, a customer of ours who works in the installation of plans with heating cables, had to solve the problem of keeping clear the high mountain channels from snow and ice. By fixing some cables to the downspouts (...)
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